Connected to your personal checking account, you can use your Canal Bank Debit Card just about anywhere. It’s like having cash on-hand without the hassle of carrying around dollar bills. Not only does our debit card provide convenience and flexibility, but you’ll also earn points on your purchases that allow you to earn rewards. With our uChoose Rewards program, you choose the reward you want — from cash and travel to merchandise, spas, concerts, and more. Simply use your card as you normally would for purchases and start earning points today!
Contact a Banking Specialist today at (800) 836-3711 to apply for your Canal Bank Debit Card and learn more about our uChoose Reward® Program!
To report a lost or stolen card, please contact us at (607) 737-3711 or (800) 836-3711 during normal business hours. After hours, please contact (800) 472-3272.
Take charge of your spending or keep an eye on your cards for added security with Canal Bank’s Card Control. Now you can turn your card on or off, track your spending, fight fraud, and more with the Card Control app.
Earn points when you use your Canal Bank debit card with UChoose Rewards®.
How it works:
It’s that easy! The more you shop, the more you earn!
Register for free today, or access your points at
When you’re ready for a new home, we’re ready to help you finance it.
© 2024 Chemung Canal Trust Company. All rights reserved.
ABA Routing Transit #: 021301115
Toll-free: 800-836-3711